Claire Tully

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Ireland’s first Page Three model is scientifically certified hot
Nothing gives Claire Tully more pleasure than blowing stereotypes to kingdom come -- she's pursuing a career as the first Irish Page Three girl while waiting for funding for her PhD after scooping a first-class science degree from Trinity College. She tells Julia Molony why taking her top off is like water off a duck's back.

Tue 27 May 2008 at 14:01
Claire Tully's breasts are marking out yet another milestone in the march of modern Ireland. She is our first and only glamour model (that's glamour as in the polite way of saying topless; it has nothing to do with fox fur and false lashes). And as the only Irish woman ever to have graced Page Three, she has become a bit of a media sensation.
She is now, arguably, the owner of the most famous breasts in Ireland. Which is, it has to be said, a pretty bold step in a country where one of the most abiding social orthodoxies is an almost pathological dread of what the neighbours m


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